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13 Sep 2023

Annual Review: Dlivan & Rezan's Story

This year's Annual Review showcases different stories from our past and previous clients - this article concerns the experience of Dlivan and Rezan who arrived on the Devon-Dorset border in 2021.

Their story is one that many RSD clients experience, arriving in a country for refuge unaware of the culture and being unable to speak English. After the family were moved to Exeter by Devon County Council, under the Vulnerable Persons Resettlement Scheme, they became clients of RSD. Our re-settlement coordinator Souad was able to help the family settle into their new life in Exeter, alongside Souad's support they have adjusted into their life in Devon, spending more time as a family, safe and happy. 

To find out more about Dlivan and Rezan's story and their lives now, from learning English to their future aspirations, you can read about it in the 22/23 Annual Review here.

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